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Additional Description

Usage : Can be given with lukewarm water twice daily before or after the food according to the condition.

Dosage : 5 to 10 g or as directed by the Physician.

Indication : Prevention and management of ophthalmic diseases such as cataract.


S.NoSanskrit NameBotanical NameQty/Tab
1AkshaTerminalia bellirica1.667 g
2AmalakaPhyllanthus emblica1.667 g
3YashtiGlycyrrhiza glabra1.667 g
4AbhayaTerminalia chebula5.000 g
5AkshaTerminalia bellirica1.667 g
6AmalakaPhyllanthus emblica1.667 g
7YashtiGlycyrrhiza glabra1.667 g
8AbhayaTerminalia chebula5.000 g

Kottakkal Thriphaladi Churnam

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